Is Ebola Compensable Under Workers’ Compensation?

Along with all the concerns regarding the ongoing Ebola epidemic, here’s one many people probably haven’t considered: What about health care and life insurance costs if the disease were to become widespread in the U.S.? The effects on the Life and Health insurance industries will clearly depend on whether the infected people are insured. Some of those who have died up to now were children and almost certainly did not […]

Automobile Insurance Tips and Information

The Florida Bar provides an article that sums up important items to know about Auto Insurance in Florida. Automobile Insurance coverage must consist of at least $10,000 of personal injury protection (PIP) insurance and a minimum of $10,000 of property damage liability insurance. Though highly recommended, Bodily Injury Liability coverage (BIL) is generally not required in Florida. BIL pays for serious and permanent injury or death to others when your car […]

Florida ‘Hurricane Tax’ Being Retired

The Florida Cabinet voted this week to end the assessment, a 1.3 percent surcharge on policyholders, that was initiated in 2008 and had been expected to continue until 2016. State law requires an assessment whenever the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund (FHCF) does not have enough cash to pay insurers for the losses they incur. The surcharge, called the “hurricane tax” by some, is used to fund revenue bonds to pay […]

Car Safety Check: 10 Things You Should Regularly Monitor on Your Car

We all know the importance of car safety. We depend on cars to get around everywhere and most of us probably drive enough to need to pay attention to the health of our cars. Every day the news channels depressingly report of stories of major car accidents, sometimes fatal, and these accidents are just the type of thing you want to try and avoid. I know, way to state the […]

Save Money and Gas With Proper Vehicle Maintenance

As the price of gasoline continues to soar at the pumps many are looking for places to cut  expenses. One of the most common places consumers often choose to cut those expenses is by ignoring regular maintenance on their vehicles . While hoping for better economic days or windfalls to cover the gap between earnings and expenses is understandable it’s also a dangerous choice to make.

How Credit Scores Affect Insurance Rates

Back in the good old days insurance rates were determined by the driver’s age, sex, driving record and the type of car.  At that time you paid for homeowners insurance based on the type of construction and you got a big discount if you lived within three miles of a fire station.