About Collision Insurance in Florida (And is it Required?)

About Collision Insurance in Florida (And is it Required?)

You may have noticed that in the state of Florida, our car insurance requirements are different than other states. By law, Florida requires that anyone operating a vehicle must carry both Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Property Damage Liability (PDL). The first, PIP, applies to medical expenses or income loss as a result of the accident. PDL provides will provide coverage in the event the driver damages another person’s car or property in an accident. 

You should know, however, that neither Personal Injury Protection or Property Damage Liability will pay for damage to your own car. For example, if you hit a tree, curb, or pothole, or if you back into or hit another vehicle. If you or a member of your family is not careful, these kinds of accidents can result in hundreds or thousands of dollars. Fortunately, this is where collision coverage comes in. The experts at Insurance Land are here to help you understand collision coverage in the state of Florida. 

About Collision Coverage 

Unlike PIP and PDL, collision coverage is not required for residents who live and operate vehicles in Florida. However, it is definitely important if you ever face substantial repairs in the event of an unfortunate accident. Collision coverage is a supplemental part of your standard care insurance plan and is usually paired with a reasonable deductible. For instance, let’s say you have a $250 deductible as part of your collision insurance and you hit a tree, causing $3,000 worth of damage to your vehicle. You are only responsible for the first $250, while the insurer pays the remaining $2,750. 

This benefit can be essential for individuals who rely on their car to get to work every day, or drive their families to school and aftercare activities. Without a car, it is almost impossible to go about your daily routine, which means you may need to take out a loan to cover the cost of a car accident. Instead, collision coverage gives you a peace of mind knowing the repairs can be made quickly without affecting your checking or savings accounts.  

More and more consumers are recognizing the importance of collision coverage in the state of Florida. For more information and to learn more about your benefits, contact the pros at Insurance Land in Orlando. 

Call the Orlando Experts 

Protect your assets from collisions, accidents, and more by purchasing insurance from the Orlando experts. Insurance Land helps prepare you and your family from unforeseen circumstances by offering coverage in the event of an accident or disaster. Our experienced team can get you quotes from more than 40 insurance companies to match you with the best possible benefits and premiums. Not only that, we can help you find commercial auto and Florida motorcycle insurance. Our staff can easily find special discounts as well as plans that reward responsible drivers and more. 

All vehicles, all drivers, all situations. Contact Insurance Land for your collision coverage in Florida today.